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Children's Gate, Longfellow Garden, Portland, ca. 1930

Contributed by Longfellow Garden Club
MMN Item 12034 Item Details
Children's Gate, Longfellow Garden, Portland, ca. 1930
MMN Item 12034 Zoom


The Children's Gate, the entrance to the gardens behind the Wadsworth-Longfellow House on Congress Street in Portland, was constructed in 1907.

Anne Longfellow Pierce, who grew up in the house and lived there most of her life, bequeathed the house and grounds to the Maine Historical Society in 1901 to preserve the memory of her brother, the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, nephew of Anne and Henry, designed the gate and the Maine Historical Society headquarters building. The gate is between the Historical Society and the house.

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